Friday, April 20, 2012

Vacation is a Myth

Band number three on Siri's Bands to Listen to list: Vacation is a Myth.  These guys are a part of the following spree from spring break, and I'm just now listening to them.  My apologies - I blame school.

Vacation is a Myth is from Dallas, Texas (I seriously wish I could go to Dallas more often cause there are so many bands/artists I wanna see).  One of the first things I noticed is that the guitarist/vocalist, Kenny, started following me on Twitter along with the band and recognized him from awhile back with Don't Shoot the Messenger, so of course I was curious to see his new project.

The band released their Daydreamers EP November 11th 2011, and the sampler they have posted in their Facebook music showcases some pretty good stuff.  Overall, they have a happy pop rock sound that kind of makes me think about the-boy-next-door sort of thing, which is not a bad thing, and sometimes their music somewhat reminds me of Honor Society.  My favorite clip from the sampler starts at 0:57 with some upbeat electronic pop rock stuff going on - I've played it a few times now just so I can hear it.  Out of all the tracks I listened to on their Facebook page, my favorite was "Lust at First Sight," so I suggest listening to that one first.  The beat is not exactly super upbeat but it's still a good one that makes you wanna dance.

I'm happy to see that these guys continue playing shows one after the other cause I think they should be heard.  I remember they played a show with Taylor Thrash, Rocky Loves Emily, and Phone Calls From Home in the Dallas area, and I wish I could have gone to it cause that's a good lineup.  They also just came off the "Secrets Don't Make Friends" tour with Rocky Loves Emily, and they're going to be playing Party On! Fest on April 22nd 2012 in Fort Worth with With Shaking Hands.  If you're going to be in that area, you should go!

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